linnet|linnets in English


[lin·net || 'lɪnɪt]

European finch

Use "linnet|linnets" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "linnet|linnets" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "linnet|linnets", or refer to the context using the word "linnet|linnets" in the English Dictionary.

1. 22 Meadow pipits and skylarks, redpolls and linnets.

2. The linnet born within the cage.

3. The linnet chirps her vernal song.

4. Can never tear the linnet from the leaf.

5. When you examined Linnet Doyle's body, doctor.

6. For further information please contact the Linnet Club manager.

7. Who'll carry the link? I, said the Linnet.

8. When I was questioning Louise Beauchain in Linnet Doyle's cabin.

9. " You seemed all brown and soft, just like a linnet.

10. Be it a duck, a sparrow, a linnet or a thrush.

11. There are now two labels, Celtic Heartbeat and Green Linnet, that solely focus on the music.

12. Their popularity is reflected in the well-known British music hall song, "My Old Man (Said Follow the Van)", in the line, "I walked behind wiv me old cock linnet..." referring to the linnet (Carduelis cannabina).

13. The linnet lifted its beak and uttered a few melancholy notes as she opened the cage door.

14. And the Linnet answered, 'Thou hast clipt my wings for thy pleasure. How should I fly?'

15. Andy pointed out the bobbing flight of a linnet. A song thrush repeated its wind-buffeted song in the twilight.

16. The diet of nestling linnets (Acanthis cannabina) living on a heathland in Brittany (France) was studied by faecal pellet analysis during the 1982 and 1983 breeding seasons.

17. The species investigated were: Hawfinch(Coccothraustes coccothraustes), Chaffinch(Fringilla coelebs), Linnet(Acanthis cannabina), Greenfinch(Carduelis chloris), Goldfinch(C. carduelis), Serin(Serinus serinus) and the Spotted Flycatcher(Muscicapa striata).

18. Cosette had the voice of a linnet with a soul, and sometimes, in the evening, in the wounded man's humble abode, she warbled melancholy songs which delighted Jean Valjean.

19. Owing to different properties of compositional fibres of linnet from shin-gosen, its dyeing quality is influenced by such factors as the heat resistance and shrinking property of the fibres.

20. " Often of a spring morning, " it said at the top of page twenty- one, " as you wander through the fields, you will hear the sweet- toned, carelessly flowing warble of the purple finch linnet.

21. When next he meets her it is far away, in Egypt, and Simon Doyle is married to the woman who was once Jacqueline de Bellefort's best friend: the wealthy and beautiful Linnet Ridgeway.

22. JENNY, my Blithest Maid, Prithee listen to my true Love now; I am a canny Lad, Gang along with me to yonder Brow; Aw the Boughs shall shade us round, 5: While the Nightingale and Linnet teach us, How the Lad the Lass may woo, Come, and I’ll shew my Jenny how to do

23. ‘Other species in danger are the brown hare, skylark, linnet, reed bunting, tree sparrow, grey partridge, Bullfinch, song thrush and grass-wrack pondweed.’ ‘Feeding on berries or with a mouthful of insects to take to chicks in their nests, images included blackbirds, robins, thrushes and many other birds rarely seen such as the Bullfinch